Match 4: Away against Ohio

For the third time out of only four matches we found ourselves once again the away team. After the disappointing loss to New York, the team rallied back in scoring a massive victory over the resourceful team from Ohio. While the score line was heavily in our favor, picking up 10.5 points, the match was a lot closer than it might have seemed.

After the first round, newcomer FM Dov Gorman was the only full point for us followed alongside by a half point from NM David Grasso. Ohio struck first up 2.5-1.5 after one round and forcing a 3-1 response from us in the second round and an accompanying 3-1 third round. In the final round, with the just a draw necessary, Passers went on to seal the deal with a 2.5-1.5 score.

Game of the Week

While Dov was Player of the Week, this game from Ethan was a masterclass against Ohio’s strong board number one NM Justin Storm. Ethan found a way to open up his pieces, get his knight involved, and then found the powerful 28. … Rc1!! to seal the deal.

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